Courses Offered & Adminissions
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Courses Offered & Adminissions
Courses Offered & Adminissions Programme/Course Combination Program Type Intake Medium
01 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Mathematics-Physics-Computer Science(MPCS) Unaided 50 English
02 Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) Computer Application(CA) Unaided 60 English
03 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Bachelor of Business Administration Unaided 60 English
04 BA (HEP) History Economics Political science History Economics Political science Unaided 60 English
Total 230
Admission Procedure
Note: Admissions into Govt., Aided and Unaided Degree Colleges will be made through online platform from 2020-21. Corresponding GO can be downloaded from the News Section.
  • Admission into College is made strictly on merit and the social standing of the applicants.
  • A Student should possess the SSC+Intermediate (10+2) qualification from the State Board or any other equivalent qualification from other State Boards.
  • A student once admitted into a particular group is not allowed to change his/her elective subjects (Second language and group subjects).
  • Students have to bring their parents or guardians at the time of admission and admission cannot be given to those students who come from de-recognized institutions.
  • Students have to submit their original certificates in the Office for scrutiny at the time of admission and would be returned to the Student immediately after verification.
  • At the time of admission, parent and student should give an undertaking that they will abide by the rules and regulations of the college.
Applicants should enclose the following along with their filled in application forms:
  • Two sets of Xerox copies of S.S.C. (in proof of date of Birth).
  • Two sets of Xerox copies of the Marks memo of the Intermediate.
  • Two sets of Xerox copies of the Transfer Certificate, Conduct and Study certificates.
  • Two sets of Xerox Copies of Student Aadhar Card, Mother Aadhar Card, Father Aadhar Card,Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, Student Bank Account Pass Book , White Ration Card.
  • Four self-addressed covers with Rs.5/- stamps affixed on each.
  • 4 Pass port size photographs and 3 stamp size Photographs.
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